“The Status of Laws and Systems related to Machine Safety in Europe”
Survey, information gathering and creation of report documents undertaken by researchers residing locally.
<strong“Overview of Materials Research Institutes in the US and Europe”
Survey, information gathering and creation of report documents undertaken by researchers residing locally.
“Appointment arrangement and accompanied interpreting in relation to hearing surveys on the use of risk assessments in the management/regulatory systems for chemical substances in the US and Europe”
US, Belgium and London
– Preliminary investigation of the organizations relevant to the intent of the hearing survey and local information, and the sounding out of hearing survey organizations (13 organizations)
– Arranging appointments with representatives of organizations after stating the intent of the hearing survey and giving details of questions to be asked (10 organizations)
– Translation of questions to be asked and letters requesting participation in the hearing survey
– Arrangement of local interpreters
“Overseas Survey of Technology Seeds related to Risk Assessment of Chemical Substances”
Investigation of the websites of two US organizations, and creation of a report (about 25 pages)
“Case Studies of the World’s Biotechnology Bases”
<Studied bases>
– (North Carolina, USA)
– (Texas, USA)
– (Heidelberg, Germany)
– (Ireland))
<Survey items>
– Overview (concept, characteristics, local environment, etc.)
– Business details (introduced functions, industry)
– Business operator (maintenance, operating body)
– Land usage (total development area, area by function, etc.)
– Details of R&D facilities (laboratories, incubation facilities, community facilities, etc.)
– Services provided by the business operator (services provided for researchers, companies and investors)
– Related websites
“Research and Studies related to Machine Safety in Europe and the US”
Arrangement of interpreters for local studies conducted by researchers (US, UK, Germany)
“Research and Studies related to Defining Measurement Standards and Reference Materials”
Arrangement of interpreters for local studies conducted by researchers (US, UK)
“Fact-finding Survey on Risk Communication concerning Food Safety in Italy” Related translation, etc.
Agent for permissions acquisition/diagram used when submitting medical theses – 4 cases
Arrangement of appointments with the Italian Chamber of Commerce (telephone negotiations, related translation)
Drafting of “Thank-you” letters in English and distribution duties following acquisition of permissions
“Survey on Calculation Bases for Standard Values according to Legal Restrictions for Energy Consumption Apparatus in Major Countries”
Listing of the latest home appliance energy saving standards of the US Government and the State of California, and gathering of information related to bases of calculation for standard values (standard values for energy consumption efficiency in each country, gathering and organization of materials indicating bases for setting threshold value in labelling), gathering of information related to energy consumption efficiency measurement/testing methods for subject apparatus.
English to Japanese translation of materials related to the “Study of Natural Gas Pipelines in Each Country”