- Inquiry
- Please submit your inquiries using the web form.
- E-mail or telephone inquiries are also accepted.
- Content of original manuscript (field)
- Desired date of delivery
- No. of pages, No. of characters
- Original manuscript format (Word, PDF, printed document only, etc.)
- Original manuscript delivery method (e-mail, fax, post, etc.)
- Intended purpose of original manuscript (In-house conference, official documents, etc.)
- Estimate
- Payment
- Work Undertaken by Translators
- Checking for Missed Translation and Mistranslation, etc.
- Delivery
MY Associates, Inc.
TEL 03-3422-8584
When making an inquiry, please provide information on the following in as much detail as possible.
Estimates will vary depending on the content of the original documents and desired delivery times, etc. and will be subject to details provided in the inquiry.
We ask all clients to pay in advance. Your order will not be accepted until full payment is received.
Translation work will be undertaken by the most appropriate translators.
For translations from Japanese into other languages, a native speaker is engaged to check the translated document once it has been delivered by the translator. In addition, cross-checks between the original and the translated document are made to screen out any missed translations and add a greater polish to the finished document. Normally, layout work is also carried out at this time.
Translated documents will be delivered using the indicated desired delivery method.